• ED 3300 - Learning Environments
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ED 3600 - Constructivism in the 21st Century
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ED 3610 - Content Area Literacy
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ED 3615 - Data Driven Inquiry in STEM Education
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ED 3700 - ELL Foundations
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ED 4100 - Assessments
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ED 4240 - Student Teaching
Credit Hours: 6 |
• ED 4250 - Student Teaching
Credit Hours: 6 |
• EDHH 1000 - American Sign Language and Deaf Culture I
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EDHH 1200 - Introduction to Deaf Education
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EDHH 2000 - American Sign Language and Deaf Culture II
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EDHH 3000 - Language and Literacy for Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 1100 - Introduction to College Composition
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 1200 - College Composition
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 1300 - Introduction to Literature
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 1301 - Introduction to Fiction
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 1302 - Introduction to Poetry
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 1303 - Introduction to Drama
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 1900 - Introduction to English Studies
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2000 - Language, Literacy, and Society
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2200 - Reading and Writing
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2205 - Writing in the Genres
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2210 - Writing in the Health and Human Services Professions
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2220 - Writing for the Community
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2230 - Writing and the Natural Sciences
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2240 - Writing and the Social Sciences
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2250 - Visual Rhetoric, Writing, and Design
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2260 - Writing Argument and Persuasion
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2270 - Digital Storytelling
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2280 - Writing for Business
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2300 - Topics in Literature
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2310 - American Literature Survey I
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2315 - American Literature Survey II
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2320 - British Literature Survey I
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2325 - British Literature Survey II
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2330 - World Literature Survey I
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2335 - World Literature Survey II
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2340 - Survey of African American Literature
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2350 - Literature and Sexualities
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2360 - Literature and the Environment
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2370 - Literature by Women
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2380 - Introduction to Shakespeare
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2400 - Introduction to Creative Writing
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2500 - Introduction to Film Studies
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2600 - Introduction to Linguistics
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 2610 - Traditional Grammar
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3000 - Reading in the 21st Century
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3200 - Advanced Topics in Writing Studies
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3210 - Studies in Professional Writing
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3220 - Grant and Proposal Writing
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3230 - Technical Writing
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3240 - Workplace Writing
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3250 - Research Writing
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3300 - Advanced Studies in Literature, Culture, and Context
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3301 - Literature and Medicine
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3302 - Literature and Aging
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3303 - Literature and Disabilities
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3310 - Advanced Studies in Literature, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3320 - Advanced Studies in Literary Forms and Genres
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3321 - Literature of Young Adults
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3380 - Topics in Shakespeare
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3400 - Studies in Poetry Writing
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3410 - Studies in Fiction Writing
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3420 - Studies in Nonfiction Writing
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3430 - Studies in Screenwriting
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3440 - Studies in Drama Writing
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3450 - Studies in Graphic Novel Writing
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3600 - Topics in Linguistics
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3610 - History of the English Language
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3700 - Applied Literacy Studies
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 3900 - Independent Study
Credit Hours: 1 TO 6 |
• ENGL 4000 - Publishing Workshop
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 4200 - Writing, Editing & Style
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 4300 - Advanced Studies in Topics and Authors
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 4310 - Literary Theory: Criticism
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 4400 - Studies in Advanced Creative Writing
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 4700 - Composition Processes and Practices
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENGL 4950 - English Internship
Credit Hours: 3 TO 15 |
• ENGT 1100 - Introduction to Engineering Technology
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENP 3020 - Entrepreneurship II: Small Business Management
Credit Hours: 3 |
• ENP 4200 - Innovation Management
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EVPM 2350 - Special Event Management in Recreation Settings
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EVPM 3300 - Meetings, Events, and Convention Operations
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EVPM 4120 - Recreation Program Planning and Evaluation
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EVPM 4950 - Internship for the Department of Management and Marketing Programs
Credit Hours: 1 TO 12 |
• EXSC 1100 - Introduction to Fitness
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EXSC 1125 - Fundamentals of Speed Training
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EXSC 1281 - Adapted Phy Ed
Credit Hours: 1 |
• EXSC 1285 - Phys Fit And Cond
Credit Hours: 1 |
• EXSC 1286 - Phys Fit Thru Stren Trng
Credit Hours: 1 |
• EXSC 1310 - Applied Human Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise and Wellness I
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EXSC 1315 - Applied Human Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise and Wellness II
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EXSC 1316 - Lifeguarding
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EXSC 1332 - Health & Fitness Promotion in the Workplace
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EXSC 1840 - Technology Integration in Health and Fitness
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EXSC 2150 - Current Topics and Strategies for Youth Fitness
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EXSC 2253 - Nutrition for Healthy Living
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EXSC 2260 - Sports Nutrition
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EXSC 2272 - Acute Care of Athletic Injuries
Credit Hours: 3 |
• EXSC 2286 - Cardiovascular and Resistance Training Techniques
Credit Hours: 3 |
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