• SOWK 4100 - Social Work Research Methods
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SOWK 4200 - SW Practice and Aging
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SOWK 4300 - Juvenile Delinquency & SW Prac
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SOWK 4400 - Social Work Practice in Mental Health
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SOWK 4500 - SW Seminar in Special Topics
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SOWK 4800 - Social Work Field Practicum
Credit Hours: 12 |
• SOWK 4900 - Social Work Field Seminar
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 1000 - Colors, Images and Sounds of Hispanic Culture
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 1001 - Elementary Spanish I
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 1002 - Spanish Two
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 2001 - Spanish III
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3000 - Stories and Voices of Hispanic Culture
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3001 - Spanish IV
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3002 - Latino Cultures in the U.S.
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3004 - Spanish for Law Enforcement
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3005 - Spanish for Business
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3006 - Medical Spanish
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3007 - Spanish for Social Services
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3008 - Spanish for Educators
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3009 - Spanish for the Professions
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3100 - Spanish Conversation, Composition, and Phonetics
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3200 - Hispanic Short Stories
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3300 - Introduction to Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3400 - Hispanic Film
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3440 - Translation
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3460 - 20th Century Spain 1939 to the Present
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3470 - Romanticism in Latin America
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3480 - Mexico and the Chicano Movement in the 20th Century
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3500 - Studies in Hispanic Language and Culture
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPAN 3600 - Immersion in Hispanic Language and Culture
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 1000 - Disability in Popular Media
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 1050 - Foundations of Special Education
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 2000 - Assessment and Positive Behavior Interventions
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 2050 - Introduction to Special Education with Field Observation
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 2100 - Teaching Students with Disabilities
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 2400 - Managing Inclusive Environment
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 2950 - Pre-Field
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 3000 - Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 3010 - Special Learning Disabilities and Emotional Behavior DisordersÂ
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 3020 - Intellectual and Physical Disabilities
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 3030 - Intellectual Disabilities
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 3040 - Physical Disorder and Health Impairments in the Special Education Classroom
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 3050 - Early Intervention in Special Education
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 3060 - Special Reading and Writing Instruction
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 3070 - Special Mathematics Instruction
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 3080 - Special Education: Field-Based Skills
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 3090 - Assessment and Prescriptive Teaching
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 3490 - Special Education Field Experience III
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 3600 - Instructional Planning
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 3995 - Nature of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4000 - History, Theory, and Exceptionalities
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4010 - Assistive Technology for the Exceptional Learners
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4020 - Trauma Informed Practices
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4040 - Transition Planning and Instruction
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4050 - Advanced Evidence Based Practices and Methods for High Incidence Disabilities
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4060 - Advanced Evidence Based Practices and Methods for Low Incidence Disabilities
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4070 - Classroom Administration, Collaboration, and IEP Development
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4100 - Nature of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4190 - Evidence Based Practice for Special Education
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4200 - Comm, Beh, and Inst. ASD
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4210 - Introduction to Dyslexia
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4240 - Student Teaching
Credit Hours: 6 |
• SPED 4250 - Student Teaching
Credit Hours: 6 |
• SPED 4260 - Clinical Practice for High Incident Disabilities
Credit Hours: 1 |
• SPED 4270 - Clinical Practice for Low Incident Disabilities
Credit Hours: 1 |
• SPED 4300 - Life Transit and Partnership
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4400 - Navigate the Social World
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4410 - Field Experience
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4500 - Foundations of Behavior Analysis and the Competent Learner Model
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4600 - ABA/CLM Instructional Methods, Procedures, and Tools
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4630 - Instructional Strategies II
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4700 - ABA/CLM Program Curricula Design and Monitoring
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4800 - Contingencies to Engineer Learning
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4900 - Professional and Ethical Standards
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPED 4920 - Special Math Instruction II
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 1000 - Introduction to Sport Management
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 1010 - Introduction to Sport Management Practical Application
Credit Hours: 1 |
• SPT 1211 - Health and Personal Performance
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 2050 - Sport Ethics & Integrity
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 2250 - Contemporary Issues in North American Sport
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 2600 - Strategic Sports Communications
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 3000 - Peak Performance in Sport
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 3100 - Sports Branding & Sponsorship
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 3110 - Sales Techniques in the Sport Industry
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 3150 - Facility and Event Management
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 3160 - Facility & Event Management Practical Application
Credit Hours: 1 |
• SPT 3200 - Administration of Intercollegiate Athletic Programs
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 3260 - Public Policy in Sport and Recreation
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 3270 - Gender in Sports
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 3300 - Global and International Sport
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 3500 - Thy & Technique Of Coaching
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 3650 - Sport Leadership
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 4000 - Legal Aspects of Sport
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 4050 - Economics & Financial Management in Sport
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 4100 - Governance in Sport
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 4235 - Risk Management for Sports Professions
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 4250 - Organization and Administration of Sport
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 4290 - Sports Management
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 4300 - Sport Management Senior Seminar
Credit Hours: 3 |
• SPT 4420 - Athletic Administration
Credit Hours: 3 |
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